International schools & degree programmes

There’s plenty of great schools who specify on sport studies all over Europe. Depending on the branch of education you’re looking for, they’ll teach you about athletics management and coaching or about the business side of sports, like sports management, sports science, marketing, etc. We’ve listed different courses and schools in our directory, so you can browse through them or look exactly for your desired field.

Featured universities

emlyon Business School

emlyon business school is taking in the specific recruitment needs and dynamics of the sports business by combining their expertise in international management with the market experience of some of the world leading sports companies. Ranking #2 among French business schools and #38 worldwide in business and engineering schools.

FH Technikum Wien

Sports Technology is an established field at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien since many years. The UAS Technikum Wien has been one of the very first worldwide implementing Study Programs which combine Sports and Engineering. The educational offerings are based on a solid scientific foundation and are also practice-oriented.

Your career compass for the sports industry

We are your click-to-source when you see your future self working in the sports industry. Sharing our own experiences and giving you orientation on everything career-related, the next section is all about preparing yourself for your future sports job.

We support you with expert advice from recruiters and experienced professionals from the sports business. Find a selection of articles on how to choose your way of education, how to excel your first applications and how to manage your first job.

Start your sports career

If you want to start a career in sports, education is the key. It doesn’t matter whether it’s through graduating in a relevant fields of study or by learning hands-on in an apprenticeship or entry-level position, both will bring you the desired result.

All about education: Your way into the sports business

Don’t Count on Passion to be Successful in the Sports Industry

Sponsored Post You love sport more than anyone you know. You know the history of your favorite sport inside-out. You are at the...

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Discover the MSc in Sports Industry Management of emlyon

Prepare to become a future leader in the sports industry. Taking in the specific recruitment needs and dynamics of the sports business, emlyon...

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Studying esports: Bachelor programmes around Europe

Finding their way into everyday pop culture and innovative business models, esports has been facing an explosive growth from a small niche to...

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Sport Job Day: Your career compass for the french sports industry

Where will your degree or apprenticeship take you? The Sport Job Day is your chance to define your next steps. Take part on...

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What can I do with my sport degree?

Sport is an essential element of life. It’s no surprise that many people think about expanding their hobby, so why not make the...

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How to excel your application

What is the value of listing sport in your CV?

Sports in your resume: Yes or no? Listing your personal interests is appreciated by some industries and companies, but ridiculed as unprofessional by...

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How to make your job search more effective

Whether you want to change companies or start in a new field: If you decide to land a new career outside of your...

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The ironical guide to score your dream-job when you’re not qualified

Probably everyone has been or will be rejected for a job once in their lifetime. The main reason is because of lacking experience...

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How to do a Video Resume – Your 3 minutes to shine

How about extending your application to another channel? A video resume is a great chance to stand out and not only show your...

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How companies choose their employees in 2017 – JobTrends 2017

After graduation, it’s time to score the first job and make an entry in our dream career. We try to be flawless in...

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Want to work in the sports industry ? Some thoughts for your CV.

After more than 20 years of experience I have seen more than a few profiles and CVs. I am happy to share this...

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What if you didn’t get a response after applying for a sport job?

Again and again you are reading your cover letter, reviewing your CV and checking if the size of the PDF really is less...

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How to survive an assessment centre

You just found the perfect sport job, applied and got invited to an assessment centre, which in first hand just totally stresses you...

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The first steps in your new career

How Remote Onboarding in the Sports Business Strengthens Team Spirit

Welcome Aboard, Even From Afar! Can you imagine joining a team without ever entering the office or meeting your colleagues in person? This...

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The art of professional email etiquette: Important rules for written communication

In the modern working world, emails are an essential part of communication between colleagues and customers. With the recent development towards more remote...

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Failed it! 6 career mistakes to avoid in your sport job

What to do with a mistake: 1. Recognize it. 2. Admit it. 3. Learn from it. 4. Forget it. – Dean Smith Everyone...

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An internship in the sports industry: Meet Linda, our new team member!

What is it like to start an internship in the sports industry? Will I fit in, will I meet my boss’ and colleagues’...

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The first months in a new sport job – how to make your colleagues fall in love with you

You successfully survived the first few weeks of your new sport job and soon will leave the probationary period behind. Actually everything is...

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How to rock the probationary period of a new sport job

Now that we already dealt with the first day of a new sport job and the various pitfalls you can meet there in...

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How to survive the first day of a new sport job

Yeah – after endless nerve-racking days of waiting, hoping and doubting you finally get the most important call of your life so far:...

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