Who We Are:

Since 1906, New Balance has empowered people through sport and craftsmanship to create positive change in communities around the world. We innovate fearlessly, guided by our core values and driven by the belief that conventions were meant to be challenged. We foster a culture in which every associate feels welcomed and respected, where leaders and creatives are inspired to shape the world of tomorrow by taking bold action today. At New Balance, We Got Now.


New Balance ofrece unas prácticas remuneradas de un año de duración, mediante beca FEUGA, a una persona con ganas de formarse en el área de Marketing. La posición servirá para dar apoyo al equipo de Marketing en tareas que faciliten la gestión de los pedidos a eventos/promotores y agencias de comunicación, así como otras labores administrativas que ayuden en el flujo de documentación interdepartamental y elementos del día a día.

Se proporcionará al candidato/a formación y apoyo en todas las áreas del departamento de tal forma que adquiera un amplio conocimiento dentro del departamento de Marketing de una de las mayores empresas internacionales del sector del deporte.


  • Carga, seguimiento e información sobre los servicios de pedidos de marketing relativos a producto
  • Monitorización y gestión de incidentes logísticos
  • Soporte administrativo del departamento de Marketing en relación con la carga de documentos en los sistemas de la empresa y seguimiento de los mismos con el Dpto. de Administración.
  • Monitorización, control y cumplimentación del documento de seguimiento del presupuesto de marketing.
  • Recopilación de las de las acciones de marketing en el Punto de Venta (PDV), escaparates, visual merchandising, así como de otras acciones de comunicación de forma ordenada y cronológica.
  • Asistencia en las áreas de Brand Marketing, retail y eventos.
  • Gestión y mantenimiento del banco de datos de imágenes de producto.
  • Responsable del control y revisión de los viajes del equipo del departamento.


  • Reunir las condiciones para una Beca FEUGA:
    • Menores de 31 años
    • Titulados de ciclo medio o superior de formación profesional.
    • Finalización titulación en 3 últimos años.
    • No haber trabajado profesionalmente.
  • Excelente conocimiento de paquetes de MS Office. 
  • Capacidad organizativa y de enfoque al cliente, con el deseo de tener éxito con una marca de prestigio internacional. 
  • Automotivación, iniciativa y con habilidad para trabajar en equipo. 
  • Pensamiento creativo e innovador. 
  • Confianza para expresar ideas.
  • Fuertes habilidades interpersonales y de networking.
  • Buen nivel de inglés.
  • Se valorarán positivamente el interés por la moda y el deporte






New Balance offers a one-year paid internship, through a FEUGA scholarship, to a person willing to train in the Marketing area. The position will support the Marketing team in tasks that facilitate the management of orders to events/promoters and communication agencies, as well as other administrative tasks that help in the flow of interdepartmental documentation and day-to-day elements.

The candidate will be provided with training and support in all areas of the department in such a way that he/she acquires a broad knowledge within the Marketing department of one of the largest international companies in the sports sector.




·         Loading, tracking and reporting on product related marketing order services Monitoring and management of logistical incidents.

·         Administrative support to the Marketing department in relation to the uploading of documents into the company’s systems and follow up with the Administration Dept.

·         Monitoring, control and completion of the marketing budget tracking document.

·         Compilation of the marketing actions at the Point of Sale (POS), shop windows, visual merchandising, as well as other communication actions in an orderly and chronological manner.

·         Assistance in the areas of Brand Marketing, retail and events.

·         Management and maintenance of the product image database.

·         Responsible for the control and review of the department’s team travel.



·          Eligibility for a FEUGA Scholarship.

o     Under 31 years of age

o    Graduates of intermediate or higher vocational training.

o    Completion of a degree in the last 3 years.

o    Not having worked professionally.

·          Excellent knowledge of MS Office packages.

·          Organisational and customer-focused skills, with the desire to succeed with an internationally recognised brand.

·         Self-motivated, initiative and ability to work as part of a team.

·         Creative and innovative thinking.

·         Confidence to express ideas.

·         Strong interpersonal and networking skills.

·         Good level of English.

·         Interest in fashion and sport would be an asset.

Equal Opportunity Employer:

New Balance is committed to equality of opportunity for all current and prospective associates regardless of age, disability, race, religion or belief, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership and gender reassignment.  We are an equal opportunity employer and support a culture of diversity and inclusion.

If you have not already done so, please let us know if you require any support so we can make the right adjustments and considerations should they be required.

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